ON AIR EVERY WEEK SINCE 2003 Bob began broadcasting a dedicated Blues show in January 2003 on a local access FM radio station. The show aired Live to the local area and simultaneously online. From 2012, he also aired an edited version of the show on a couple of internet stations. On moving home to a new area in March 2016, he terminated his relationship with the FM station and now broadcasts solely on internet stations - including market leaders in the Blues broadcasting world. Over the years, Bob has established strong links (and great friendships) with many performers, promoters, publicists and Blues fans as well as introducing a host of well-known names to the stage at festivals and gigs. Always interested in assisting new artists on their road to Bluesic success, Bob invites music submissions to:- [email protected] This email address can also be used for any comments on the Blues Exclusive or any other related subjects. |